Science is endless but
interesting like π
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Science is endless but
interesting like π
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Jianshi Jin Lab
Interdisciplinary Lab for Novel Technologies and Ideas Serving Pest Management or Animal/Human Health
Lab News
The first annual meeting of Jin lab is successfully held. Congratulations! Muzi has received the "best presentation award" and the "best discussion award".
A paper is published.
Takashi Kanaya, et al. Mucosal Immunology, 2024. "RelB and C/EBPα critically regulate the development of Peyer’s patch mononuclear phagocytes".
Jianshi was invited to give a keynote talk on “动物菌群定量分析技术与单细胞成像测序自动化整合技术” in the “实验动物资源开发和福利伦理评价学术论坛” at Qingdao, China.
Jianshi was invited to give a keynote talk on “High-throughputsingle-cell profiling methods for microbiota and mammalian cells” in the “2nd European Congress on Biomedical Science and Engineering” at London, UK.
Congratulations! Jingyan has passed the interview for admission to a Master's program, she will be a graduate student in our lab from next September.
Congratulations! Our new laboratory has been established in Weishan, Shandong Province, and the first semi-natural fence experiment has been successfully performed.
Congratulations! Clara and Denis from Tanzania have been awarded the 2024 CAS-ANSO Scholarship for Master’s Program (previously known as the ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents) to conduct postgraduate studies in China for up to 3 years, they will be the graduate students in our lab from this September.
A review paper is published.
Jianshi Jin, Xiongduo Liu, et al. iMetaOmics, 2024. "Long journey of 16S rRNA-amplicon sequencing toward cell-based functional bacterial microbiota characterization"
Xiongduo translated it in Chinese: "16S rRNA基因扩增子测序技术的漫长发展旅程正迈向基于个体的菌群功能解析"
Congratulations! Muzi and Xiongduo have passed the PhD entrance exam of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, they will be the first and second PhD students in our lab from this September.
A paper is published.
Yoko Nakai-Futatsugi, et al. eLife, 2024. "Pigmentation level of human iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium cell does not indicate a specific gene expression profile"
Congratulations! Jianshi has received the RIKEN EIHO Award (理研荣峰赏) for FY2023 significant achievement on Decoding single-cell transcriptomic phenotypes by using robotic data acquisition and AI.
Jianshi was invited to give a talk on “High-throughput single-cell profiling methods formicrobiota and mammalian cells” in the “International Conference on Interdisciplinary Life Sciences 2023(ILS2023)” at Kyoto, Japan, and he obtained the "Excellent Research Award" from the Life Science Association of Chinese in Japan (LSACJ).
Jianshi was invited to give a talk on “High-throughput single-cell profiling methods formicrobiota and mammalian cells” in the “The Second International Symposium on Wildlife Diseases Research Network (WDRN)” at Beijing, China.
Congratulations to Yiqi Xu (will be our graduate student from 2024) for winning the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Scholarship.
A paper is published.
Takahashi, et al. Cell Reports, 2023. "Sensory neuronal STAT3 is critical for IL-31 receptor expression and inflammatory itch"
The Protocol of BarBIQ is published.
Jin, et al. Nature Protocols, 2023. "High-throughput identification and quantification of bacterial cells in the microbiota based on 16S rRNA sequencing with single-base accuracy using BarBIQ"
A paper is published.
Chen, et al. Scientific Reports, 2023. "KaScape: a sequencing-based method for global characterization of protein‒DNA binding affinity"
A preprint is published.
Nakai-Futatsugi, et al. bioRxiv, 2023. "In vitro pigmentation of human iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium cells does not indicate their quality for cell transplantation"
A paper is published.
Cui, et al. PNAS, 2023. "CD45 Alleviates Airway Inflammation and Lung Fibrosis by Limiting Expansion and Activation of ILC2s"
Warm welcome! Our second graduate student, Shuhao has joined the lab!
Warm welcome! Xiongduo joined our lab as a research assistant!
Jianshi was invited to give a talk on “A single-cell-based high-throughput method for thequantitative characterization of gut microbiota with unknown bacteria” in the “The first International Symposium on Wildlife Diseases Research Network (WDRN)” Conference at Haikou, China.
Warm welcome! Today, Hongyi who is the first graduate student joined Jin lab!
Jianshi was invited to give a talk on “BarBIQ:high-throughput identification and quantification of single bacterial cells in the microbiota” in the “World DNA Day-2023” Conference at Dalian, China.
Warm welcome! Today, Mengxiao joined us as an administrative assistant. Jin lab now has two members!
Congratulations! Jianshi has received the 14th Ohbu (樱舞) Technology Incentive Award in recognition of excellence in the conduct of research of research and outstanding achievement in Development of a new method (BarBIQ) that accurately identifies and quantifies individual bacterial cells in the microbiota.
The website of Jianshi Jin lab is established.